Indonesia’s First Digital Nomad Village Announced: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Indonesia’s First Digital Nomad Village Announced: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Lembeh Island, Bitung City

When you conjure images of Indonesia, Bali naturally takes center stage—a paradise renowned for its exquisite beauty, cherished by both avid tourists and those seeking the allure of a digital nomad village, spanning well over a decade. However, even within this enchanting destination, subtle signs of strain have begun to unfurl. Issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and security concerns have prompted discerning influencers to reevaluate the region’s once-unquestioned appeal.

Nevertheless, Indonesia’s allure extends far beyond the confines of Bali, encompassing a sprawling archipelago of 17,500 islands that carefully guard a plethora of treasures. These hidden gems possess the inherent potential to captivate nomads in search of novel experiences and unspoiled panoramas. Amidst these undiscovered marvels, Bitung City naturally emerges as a prime contender poised to shift the spotlight—a potential digital nomad village boasting untamed landscapes and authentic encounters.

Bitung City, located in the Sulawesi region, Northeast of Indonesia, has taken center stage in Indonesia’s bid to diversify its nomad offerings. The city’s strategic position and easy access to stunning beaches, natural parks, diverse wildlife, breathtaking diving reefs, and delectable seafood are redefining it as a burgeoning destination for those with a nomadic spirit. The coast of Bitung City, just a short boat ride away, reveals the pristine beauty of the “Lembeh Strait” and its collection of unspoiled beaches.

The Location

A mere 20-minute drive from the major Manado airport places Bitung City within convenient reach of many Asian hotspots including only being 3 hours from Bali. This accessibility significantly reduces travel time, making it an attractive option for those venturing into more remote and captivating areas. The city offers safe and comfortable accommodation options for digital nomads, catering to low-cost living situations as low as $200 per month while ensuring essential amenities such as reliable Wi-Fi and easy access to nature and various island activities.

A Mayor’s Vision 

The Mayor of Bitung City, Maurits Mantiri envisions digital nomads as a dynamic force that can contribute to both the vibrant city atmosphere and the local economy. He has endorsed workshops that aim to foster an intellectual exchange between nomads and the local population. Mayor Mantiri believe that the transfer of digital knowledge can be a catalyst for growth and development, benefiting both parties.

The Pilot Program 

Bitung City’s groundbreaking initiative encompasses a 1-month pilot program set to debut in September 2023. Inviting 100 digital nomads to be part of this novel experience, the program aims to foster an environment that provides similar amenities to already previously established digital nomad villages. The city is particularly interested in attracting content creators like YouTubers, Instagrammers, and TikTokers who can capture and share the essence of their time in Bitung City.


Applicants, aged 21 or older and respectful of Indonesian culture, are welcomed into this venture. A unique feature is the requirement of minimal social media followers, placing more emphasis on commitment and cultural alignment. Each prospective ambassador will undergo a video interview, ensuring a suitable fit. Successful candidates will be privileged with official invitations to join the pilot program.

How to Apply

The program’s buzz is already resonating on platforms like LinkedIn and other social media outlets. The official application process, currently underway via the city’s website, has drawn over 500 inquiries. This remarkable response owes much to strategic partnerships cultivated with various nomad communities in South East Asia. These collaborations have attracted digital adventurers from over 40 countries, showcasing the program’s international allure.

As the sun sets on Bitung City’s captivating shores, the narrative of digital nomads is poised to embark on a new chapter. For those seeking an immersive experience in a unique Indonesian culture, this endeavor presents an opportunity to delve into a truly unique lifestyle.

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