Don’t miss out on your competitors and partners’ product launches

Don’t miss out on your competitors and partners’ product launches
Market Intelligence
Easily track the latest product launches in your industry with Feedly AI

Keeping up with your competitor’s latest product announcements in real-time is close to impossible.

We’ve added Product Launches to the list of strategic moves Feedly AI understands.

This new machine learning model will help you:

Analyze how to differentiate yourself from your competitors

Spot new partnership opportunities

Monitor the latest releases of portfolio companies

Curious how it works? Here is a quick tour:

Example: Product Launches related to Autonomous Vehicles

A machine learning model that flags mentions of product launches

Popular product launch use cases

Fewer false positives than basic keyword searches

Quickly identify key product launch sentences

Customer Feedback

Speed up your market intelligence research

Product Launches is one of the machine learning models included in Feedly for Market Intelligence. Start a free 30-day trial to see how Feedly can help you speed up your market intelligence.

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